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Sub Reddits to Post Funny Videos

Reddit is one of the largest social media platforms with millions of daily active users across the world. They have lots of communities and subreddits on Reddit that make you laugh, cry, feel good, educated, inspire, and empower. Today we are going to make you belly laugh by introducing some of the most popular and amazingly funny subreddits. These funny subreddits make your day better than ever before with new, trending, and current topics. Here is the list of subreddit that offers lots of funny videos to make your day better.

10 Subreddits for Funny Videos

Here are some of the Reddit that has the most sarcastic and funny videos.

  • r/funnyvideos
  • r/ContagiousLaughter
  • r/MadeMeSmile
  • r/facepalm
  • r/starterpacks
  • r/animalsbeingderps
  • r/holdmybeer
  • r/unexpected
  • r/crappydesign
  • r/cringe


r/Funny - Funny Videos Reddit

r/funny is a subreddit that offers content that makes you laugh throughout the day. It is one of the most active communities that fill with laughing doses for all age communities. Most the joke they post is related with our daily life situation and scenario which make this one of the best subreddit. See how to download videos from r/funny.



As the name says r/ContagiousLaughter is one of the most contagious subreddit that makes you laugh harder than ever before. The subreddit is filled with tons of jokes, memes, videos, and more posted throughout the day. As said before, it is more contagious that makes you more addicted to the community and makes you not unfollow the page ever after.


r/MadeMeSmile - Funny Videos Reddit

r/MadeMeSmile makes you smile wider and wider which results in cheek pain. Yes, the level of the joke, video, images, screenshots, etc. they offer is unique, fresh, and original. They are the trendsetter of new-age comedy. Also, more than their post video or image the caption will make you laugh even harder.



r/facepalm has some of the most silliest and unexpected jokes you have ever heard which make you laugh with the palm in your face. They post content on lots of topics like politics, sports, TV shows, movies, and many more which make the subreddit more relatable and funnier.


r/starterpacks - Funny Videos Reddit

The name of the subreddit may say r/starterpacks but really it is the complete pack of entertainment and fun on Reddit. You can find lots of Nostalgics joke that we used to make as a child and lots of funny memories from your past will be stirred back to your life.



Here in the Reddit r/animalsbeingderps, you can find lots of Animals doing funny steps which you never expected that they can pull off. This makes you belly laugh and if you are a pet lover you will love this page immediately once you scroll its feed you will never get back.


r/holdmybeer - Funny Videos Reddit

r/holdmybeer is a subreddit that posts funny stuff that people do once they had some beers. The kind of things made by those people after the drink will make you go laughing bonkers. They mostly post funny videos on its subreddit that are completely stupid, idiotic, and mad but in the end, you will be laughing uncontrollably.



r/Unexpected provide tons of unexpected stuff that may seem boring or nothing in the beginning but ends with an unexpected knockout that completely blows you away with laughter. This joke makes you laugh whenever you think about it that much of the quality stuff it holds.


r/crappydesign - Funny Videos Reddit

The name itself says r/crappydesign which offers lots of DIY and designs which you should never try or even consider. This makes you wonder who in the world would design this kind of crap. Believe me, this page may sound boring but it's not it's just the opposite which you never expect.



Finally, the r/cringe holds lots of posts that make you laugh and cringe at the same time. If you are new to this page, you will notice that the comical stuff on the page gets better and better every day in the amount of both fun and cringe. Even though on the last in our list don't underestimate this subreddit.

Always find a reason to laugh and we hope this article makes your life better and happier in some ways. If you find any of the subreddits funny videos more fun, you can download them offline using our Reddit Video Downloader ( All you need to do is copy and paste the video link on the website. That's it, you have saved the video on your device which you can watch later and show to your friend. Finally, Be Happy and make others happy with what RVDL offers.

Laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy.

-Dau Voire
